Partnership Models with



Strategy and Planning

This model is one of the most powerful tools for being successful in today’s competitive business atmosphere. Even the joint venture can create a separate business entity, to which the owners contribute assets, have equity, and agree on how this entity may be managed. The
new entity may be a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership. Main advantages of this model is capturing an eye-catching market share along with income through leveraging the market by using abilities & relationships of the host company from the first entrance stage with the lowest risk & cost.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)

Setting up a formal relationship & cooperation between two parties to meet a critical business need & make a synergy while maintaining both parties’ independence. Each partner hopes that the benefits from the alliance will be greater than those from individual efforts. Main characteristics:

  • High level of transparency between partners
  • Common long-term strategy and goals
  • Pooling/sharing ideas
  • Increased business opportunities and reach

Franchise & licensing

1- License-In

Under license manufacturing of specific drugs’ dossiers with the aim of own portfolio enhancement.

2- License-Out

We are working to expand our global strategic marketing partnerships for products developed-in house. In this regard, we are ready to grant our Know-How, Experts & Expertise.

Distribution Agreement

Mutual Co-operation in regard with Sales & Distribution of parties’ products in order to market expansion. We are ready to make a distribution contract with well-known international companies with an interesting & valuable portfolio. Vice-versa, we are looking for a strong
international distributor or wholesaler who is authorized for working on our products.

Contract Manufacturing

When you choose us for Contract Manufacturing, you get so much more than a typical CMO engagement. Through the partnership, you gain integrated access to scientific expertise, High quality & unrivaled rates.


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